Offence classification

The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) has developed this offence classification to assist in the production and analysis of summary crime and justice statistics in Victoria. It is largely based on the structure and principles of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Offence Classification (ANZSOC) (External link)produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and has been modified to suit the legislative environment in Victoria.

The classification is comprised of three levels: divisions (the broadest level), subdivisions (the intermediate level) and groups (the finest level).

The following table outlines the offence divisions and subdivisions. For more information, and for the full offence classification, please see the Word/PDF document and Excel table below.


CSA Offence Division

CSA Offence Subdivision

A  Crimes against the personA10  Homicide and related offences
A20  Assault and related offences
A30  Sexual offences
A40  Abduction and related offences
A50  Robbery
A60  Blackmail and extortion
A70  Stalking, harassment and threatening behaviour
A80  Dangerous and negligent acts endangering people
B  Property and deception offencesB10  Arson
B20  Property damage
B30  Burglary/Break and enter
B40  Theft
B50  Deception
B60  Bribery
C  Drug offencesC10  Drug dealing and trafficking
C20  Cultivate or manufacture drugs
C30  Drug use and possession
C90  Other drug offences
D  Public order and security offencesD10  Weapons and explosives offences
D20  Disorderly and offensive conduct
D30  Public nuisance offences
D40  Public security offences
E  Justice procedures offencesE10  Justice procedures
E20  Breaches of orders
F  Other offencesF10  Regulatory driving offences
F20  Transport regulation offences
F30  Other government regulatory offences
F90  Miscellaneous offences


The CSA recorded crime collection includes all offences that are reported to, and detected by, Victoria Police and recorded on the LEAP database. The scope and coverage of the data, however, is not representative of all crime that occurs in Victoria. For information regarding scope and coverage, please refer to the Explanatory Notes.


Crime Statistics Agency, 2024
Crime Statistics Agency, 2024
Date of Publication


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