Family violence, alcohol consumption and the likelihood of criminal offences.
The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) has today released its seventh ‘in brief’ research paper titled Family violence, alcohol consumption and the likelihood of criminal offences. The research paper is available here.
The Crime Statistics Agency has released an 'in brief' research paper outlining the types of drugs that were involved in drug use and possession offences in Victoria over the past ten years. Find the full research paper here.
Technical note: Reliability of police-recorded drug offence codes as a measure of drug types.
This short paper examines the reliability of police-recorded drug offence code in determining the types of drugs involved in drug offences. Find the full paper here.
Temporal distribution of crime in Victorian night-time entertainment precincts.
The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) has today released its third 'in brief' research paper, which explores whether the temporal distribution of crime occurring in night-time entertainment (NTE) precincts could be used to refine a commonly used surrogate measure for alcohol-related harm, high-alcohol hours. Find the full research paper here.
Recorded drug use and possession crime in metropolitan, regional and rural Victoria, 2006-2015.
The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) has released its second 'in brief' research paper titled Recorded drug use and possession crime in metropolitan, regional and rural Victoria, 2006 -2015. Find the full research paper here.
Recorded drug use and possession offences and offenders, 2005 - 2014.
The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) has released its first 'in brief' research paper titled Recorded drug use and possession offences and offenders, 2005 - 2014. Find the full research paper here.